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Our website presentation uses the following types of cookies to ensure efficient and user-friendly personalized browsing of the site’s content:
  • Personalization cookies apply the preferred settings of user services
  • Relational cookies provide technical support for connections and user authorizations
  • Analytical cookies help to develop the content and technical quality of the website
Cookies thereby make browsing the Internet easier and more user-friendly. Management and setting of cookie permissions may be carried out in any user browser. Information from relational and analytical files is processed in bulk and anonymously, by the website operator.

Our identity


 Company ID No.: 28599152, Tax ID No.: CZ28599152
The company is registered at the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, File 33938
Czech Republic

Our clients

  • Energy multinational corporations
  • Financial and investment companies
  • Hospitals and medical facilities
  • Multinational automotive corporations
  • NGOs and corporations
  • Print media and TV companies
  • Private and family sector of clients
  • Security and armed forces
  • State organizations and institutions
  • Trading and manufacturing companies
  • Transport and forwarding companies
  • University and educational institutions